Iata un glosar de termeni in limba engleza, specifici sectorului ONG sau, in orice caz, pe care ii folosim in mod frecvent in comunicarea interculturala. Ne ajuta pentru fixarea unui minim vocabular de baza, util in interactiunea cu donatorii, partenerii, colegii de sector vorbitori de engleza etc., ajutandu-ne totodata sa ne clarificam anumite definitii. O prima serie de cuvinte, pentru inceput.
Abstract (Executive Summary): A brief and precise summary of your project. It will: 1) identify the community needs and issues that the project addresses; 2) outline the solution the project offers and the impact on beneficiaries; 3) identify the resources needed and subsequent funding requirements; and 4) describe the organization and emphasize its area of expertise, experience, and ability to carry out the proposed program successfully.
Accounting: The act of recording and analyzing an organization’s financial activities and status. Proper accounting will allow you to collect and organize the information necessary to create an accurate and feasible budget. Accounting is composed of assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses.
Administrative Duties: Basic office tasks that ensure the organization and efficiency of your NGO, such as preparing financial reports, drafting correspondence, and maintaining contact with your members.
Advocacy: An NGO’s efforts to influence government policies and practices, those of other development institutions, or the general public. The goal of advocacy is to bring attention to an otherwise under-publicized economic, social, or political issue.
Annex (Supplementary materials): Also referred to as an appendix or attachment. It includes relevant supplementary materials that provide additional information about your organization to your potential donor.
Assets: The total financial value of your organization’s money (cash), property, and equipment.
Balance Sheet: A chart that shows the assets and liabilities of your organization. The balance sheet also includes a fund balance at the end, which is exactly the same as the fund balance from the statement of revenues and the outstanding surpluses or deficits based on a set time period. The time period covered could be the project duration or a year.
Beneficiaries: The group of individuals your organization is trying to assist. Beneficiaries are also referred to as the target population, clients, or target audience.
Board of Directors: The governing body of the organization; its members are elected by the membership of the NGO. The Board of Directors plays a number of essential roles within the NGO, including: setting and approving the budget; determining the guidelines for membership; developing policy; managing legal and financial matters; representing the NGO to the wider community; advocating for the NGO and its goals; mobilizing resources; and coordinating with other agencies and organizations.
Budget: A chart that summarizes the expected income and expenses of an organization over a specified time period.
Campaign: A project that aims at raising public awareness, advocating for change, and/or mobilizing citizens.
Capacity: An organization’s ability to carry out its mission.